Ann Arbor ATD Study Group Celebrates

Photo Description: CPTD Capability Model image with "100 Candidates Certified" shown above
100+ CPTDs Certified
December 5, 2024
TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 PM ET
(Virtual Event)
Join us for an evening of networking and celebration of the Ann Arbor ATD's study group for CPTD certification. Hosted by study group facilitator, Lisa Garcia.
Starting out in June 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this program's purpose was to support our own CPTD candidates as well as those from around the world. The program has brought together expert speakers from all over the country, seasoned professionals seeking certification and ATD chapters eager to help them reach their certification goal. All of this was done as volunteers above and beyond their other life priorities. The efforts of everyone involved exemplifies the good of humanity. Ann Arbor ATD is very excited to celebrate all of this during Employee Learning Week.
Come find out about the program's history, the people involved and also if you are curious about CPTD certification. We welcome everyone to join in the fun and meet these amazing talent development professionals!
Evening Activities:
6:00 - 6:10 PM Welcome & Introductions
6:10 - 6:30 PM Study Group History and Volunteer/Candidate Share
6:30 - 7:15 PM Open Networking
7:15 - 7:30 PM Future Initiatives and Thank Yous
7:30 - 8:00 PM Q&A / Additional Networking
Virtual via Zoom
Registration fees:
ZERO! Come celebrate with our chapter, CPTDs, speakers and volunteers.
About the Host:

Lisa M. Garcia
Photo Description: Headshot photo of Lisa Garcia
Lisa has been a member of Ann Arbor ATD and a board member of the chapter for more than 10 years. She has a background in Learning & Development through consulting with tax & accounting firms for more than 25 years with Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting. Lisa also served as part of the companies Innovation Council that vetted and fast tracked employee innovation ideas within the company. Currently she is a Manager of Technical Services for the Professional Services department responsible for implementing software products in customer offices.
Lisa attained her CPTD certification (formerly CPLP) in November 2012 and along with Noel Zykowski started the CPTD study group in June 2020 when the ATD Capability Model was initially released. Lisa has since attained her Executive Masters' Degree in Organization Development & Change from Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in April 2023 and still works with BGSU and the NEXUS4change organization supporting practitioners and scholars in the field.