May 17, 2023
TIME: 12:00 - 12:55 pm
Coffee Chat! (Virtual Event)
Welcome New Members!
Is 12pm too late for a coffee? We don't think so!
Join us for another one of our informal coffee chats- a time for our members to connect!
If you're new to our chapter or curious about becoming a member, join us for this special coffee chat! All members are invited to connect and meet our new members and help us continue to grow the connections and support that we as long-term members already know and enjoy!
If you are new to our chapter, have questions about your membership, or want to learn more about becoming a member, this is the perfect event for you!
These informal events are also a great way to get to know your board members, other members and local TD professionals, and share and learn with one another.
This Coffee Chat starts at 12 PM—bring yourself, your coffee, and your lunch!
Topic for this month's chat:
For anyone who attended the May event, we can use this time to share our biggest takeaways, thoughts, and feedback about the event. We'll also spend time talking together and getting support from our community with any challenges you might be facing.
Bring your success stories and challenges- no matter the size- and let's learn from each other!
12:00 - 12:05 pm Welcome & grab your coffee/ lunch
12:05 - 12:50 pm Discussion
12:50 - 12:55 pm Meeting Close
Virtual (Zoom)
- Chapter members = Free
- Student members = Free
- Non-member guests = $10
Registrations are not considered definite or confirmed until payment has been submitted.
About the Facilitator: Jen Laidlaw
Jen Laidlaw is the current president of our chapter and owner of TeamWerks Talent Development and Consulting where she supports small businesses in team and leadership training with a focus on values and positive company culture.
Jen spent over 20 years in manufacturing and digital marketing before starting her own practice. Her experience includes:
- training and coaching front-line leaders
- applying agile practices to cross-discipline teams and managers
- developing custom learning programs to nurture and solidify positive company culture
Her training focuses on the learner experience, engaging participants for learning that has meaningful outcomes including increased team satisfaction and retention, a sustained people-focused culture, and increased profitability.
She partners with owners to solve talent development problems by creating learning experiences that are honest, fun, practical, and effective.
Jen is also a speaker for local WXW and SHRM chapters as well as a current board member of the New Enterprise Forum (NEF).
Her belief: For training to be truly successful, something must feel different afterward!